Season’s Greetings,
I have been thinking a lot about traditions lately and one of our family’s favorite and longest tenured traditions is the Christmas Chain. Each year on Thanksgiving, the family gathered on the floor and cut strips of holiday wrapping paper. Each strip would become a link on the chain, with one link for each day leading up to Christmas. Often, we would make multiple chains so that every household had a chain to take home.
Once home, a link was removed every morning, with anticipation building each day as the chain got smaller leading up to Christmas. On Christmas morning, with my brother and I eagerly awaiting the opportunity to open our presents, we couldn’t do so until the last link was taken down and as the chain disappeared, we raced to our gifts.
This year, the tradition continued but the chain-making enterprise was different than any other. This year, Celeste, Rebecca, Rachel, and I made our chain on Thanksgiving, but the family that joined us was only able to do so virtually. As I sat in our living room last night, however, looking at the much shorter chain, I believe I finally discovered the true meaning of the Christmas Chain.
What I discovered was that this chain was never really about building anticipation for Christmas. The links on this chain were never intended to only serve as a countdown to presents. Quite to the contrary, the Christmas Chain has always been one way for our family to enjoy the joyful blessings of fellowship. Even more importantly, the links on the Christmas Chain served to connect our family–across generations, geography, and more—in ways that continue to resonate and have meaning for us all.
This past year has been unlike any other in my lifetime.
Like you, I have missed seeing family and friends, going to baseball games and concerts, and traveling to favorite destinations. I also missed gathering with family on Thanksgiving and making the Christmas Chain in the same ways we have for my entire life.
But, we made the chain and the links of this tradition continue to connect my family and serve as a reminder of what binds us together, even when we are apart.
So, even though there are only a few days left before Christmas, I encourage you all to make a Christmas Chain. Get out the paper, scissors and tape and make the links, connect them to each other, and hang your chain proudly in your home. This chain, this tradition, connects us all.
Personally, I think I will make another chain and hang it my office. This chain will proudly serve as a reminder of what connects our Gunston Hall family during this holiday season. This chain will also remind me of how you all have inspired, encouraged, motivated, and supported us and our organization during this challenging year.
But this year, I will not remove the last link on my Gunston Chain. This link will remain and continue to serve as a testament to our connections, our strengths, and the blessings of our Gunston Hall family.
In closing, thank you all and best wishes for a joyful, safe, and blessed holiday season!

Scott Stroh
Executive Director