- (?), (?) to Ashton, Stuart Arthur
- Atkinson, (?) to Beals, Timothy Howard
- Beam, Angelella to Bradbury, Thomas Sir
- Bradfield, Mary Caldwell to Brother, (?)
- Brown, Ann to Carroll, Thomas Francis Jr.
- Carstad, Pia to Conklin, Ray
- Connely, Vera to Davis, Ronnie
- Davis, Samuel Boyer to Eberly, Margaret E.
- Ebrect, Martha Jo to Fitzhugh, Charles Harris
- Fitzhugh, Claggett to Gahagan, William Gerli
- Gaines, Champe to Grayson, William Cabell Jr.
- Greeley, Donald Mason to Hancock, William Mason
- Hand, Nancy to Hirst, Marion Louise
- Hirst, Mary Elizabeth to Ives, Edith
- Jackman, Angela Lee to Ketchum, Janet
- Key, Albert L. Jr. to Lee, Laura Spencer
- Lee, Letitia to Marsteller, Nancy Selden
- Martin, (?) to Mason, Landon Randolph
- Mason, Landon Randolph Jr. to McCarty, Junius Royal
- McCarty, Lettice to Mills, Sophie E.
- Milstead, Grace Martina to Norgrave, Frances
- Norheimer, Louis to Peterson, Richard Lewis
- Petitt, Catherine to Rhett, Thomas Mason
- Rhodes, Anne Marie to Schnadig, Sarah V.
- Schneider, Jeffery to Smith, Frank C. Jr.
- Smith, Frank C. Jr. to Sutton, Mary Ellen
- Suyphen, Hariette Ely to Thornton, Winifred
- Thorogood, Adam to Wallach, Richard L. Jr.
- Walsh, (?) to Wiatt, Wlalter
- Wick, Charles Harold to Zappa, Cristina
- Zeigler, Janet to Zurla, Martin