Calling all 4th grade students!

Mark Your Calendar for the George Mason Essay Contest

George Mason knew the power of sharing ideas through writing. Through documents like the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the letters he sent to men like George Washington and Patrick Henry, Mason wrote out his ideas and helped shape the rights Americans have today. Now we want to hear your ideas.

The Essay Competition is closed for 2024. Best of luck to all of our entrants.

First Place Prize


PLUS an award ceremony at Gunston Hall’s Writing Workshop on Saturday, March 16, 2024.  This workshop is open to all 4th and 5th graders.


Essays should be a maximum of 500 words.  The rubric for evaluating essays is based on the Virginia Standards of Learning for Language Arts. 

Submissions will be evaluated for:

  • Connection to the question
  • Clarity and organization
  • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling

Judging is at the discretion of representatives of Gunston Hall and will be blind and anonymous. The contest closes February 16, 2024.

Essays can be submitted by email, by mail (10709 Gunston Road, Mason Neck, VA  22079), or by FAX (703-550-9480).   

If you are submitting an essay via email, mail, or fax, please include the submission form (check back soon for the link).